lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Summer Vacaciones

I have done plenty of thing during my summer. I have traveled throw the majority of western Europe, done plenty of sport, and discovered knew thing and people.

Two today after school finished y was departed to Menorca where I had a peaceful and warm week. The eight days afterward I was on my way to the French Alpes in my trainer's van. I trained bettered myself and had a real good but exhausting week and a half.

Then I traveled back to Bilbao for two days and afterwards started the long journey to Disneyland Paris in my completely full car. It was a long tiring voyage in which you couldn't sleep because of the tiny space you were in. Next I went to Geneva, Switzerland, where I learned some french and live an ordinary person's daily life. We came back and directly went to Menorca where my father and I did some scuba diving.
And this is my ordinary and relaxed holidays.

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