lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

History of Blogging

Hi, I'm Alejandro and today we'll talk about blogging. The origins of modern blogging are often as argued about as what blogging is. But I have searched around the net and found this.

First of all a blogger is a person who own and writes weekly/daily in a blog. A blog is your own public, totally free (for everyone), site or web. Blogs were almost unknown until the 1990s. Then these started to become popular and sustituted the most common and best way of transmiting an opinion until then, forums. Blogging became really popular, not only because it was easy and you could make many thing out of it, but because it was totally FREE! To sum up people say blogs are websites or webpages that provided links and comments to other pages. A blog is a mixture of two words: log and web. Both form the word blog. To summarize a blog is a personal (or professional) journal in which you write frecuently.

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