domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

JPG vs.Gif vs. PNG

Hi, I'm Alejandro. Today I'll talk about the difference between these exchangable image formats.
JPEG/JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), PNG (Portable Network Graphic) are all portable image formats. The main caracteristics of these are quality and resolution.

Fist of all JPG is just a compressed format of a JPEG image. It is commonly used for high quality photographs or complex graphics because of its abundant amount of colors (more than 16 million). On the other hand this is not the most recomended format for line drawing, lettering or simple graphic making.

GIF is a mostly used as a web uploaded image format. It uses a very limited number of colors which are mostly pixeled (e.g. instead of seeing curved lines you will see colored pixels diagonally arranged). Summing all up this is a web format, quick upload, easily manged, and medium quality.

Finally, PNG images are ideal for webs. It was developed as an equivalent freeware for .GIF but it ended up being even better. It can be compressed easier quicker and more than .GIF images, and it has the opacity caracteristic which can make an image more or less transparent. The bad news is tha .PNG images can not be animated.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Print What You See In Your Computer Screen

Hi, I'm Alejandro and today we will learn how to Print What You See In Your Computer Screen

First of all find an interesting thing you
what to print. Then (if you are using Windows) find a key that says Print screen, (look right and then go to the top it is normally there)[spanish ImpPnt:Imprimir Pantalla] then press it. Next, go to paint, or any equivalent program, an click paste. Finally you can edit it as you please (paint, erase, modify, change size, convert into image, print...).

Find an interesting thing to print. Then (If you are using Mac) press command + shift + 3. Next, make a screenshot.
Finally yoy can edit it as you please (paint, erase, modify, change size, convert into image, print...).

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Desktop Publishing vs. Word Processors (graphic formats)

Hi, I'm alejandro and today I'm going to talk about desktop publishing.

A desktop publisher is a program that enables you to format pages of text and graphics (e.g.images). Page layout applications gives you more control over specific text, transitions, graphic organization or positioning of graphics. Some examples of desktop publishers are: Adobe page maker (medium level), Scribus (freeware) and QuarkXpress (professional). On the other hand we have word processor which are similar to desktop publisher but are more simple and have a lower number of posibile commands, some examples are: Open Office (freeware), WriteOnline (online processor), Apple iWork (commercial).

Before using a page layout you should actually use a word proccesor because you can do it far simplear in much faster. After you finish with the basics using a word processor you should use a page layout program to give the final touch and a great atractive appearance.

Formats from a web graphics and printed graphics are normally different. Some examples of web graphic formats are: GIF files, JPEG files, Animated GIF files, MPEG files, Shockwave files, NxView files. Some of these are both web and printed greaphic formats.

There are two major 2D graphic types: bitmap and vector images. Bitmap images (also known as raster images) are made up of pixels in a grid. On the other hand Vector images are actually made-up of mathematical expressions and instructions that produce lines and curves; they also have a limited number of colors.

Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format created by Adobe Systems for document exchange. PDF is used for representing two-dimensional documents.

This is all for today.

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

History of Blogging

Hi, I'm Alejandro and today we'll talk about blogging. The origins of modern blogging are often as argued about as what blogging is. But I have searched around the net and found this.

First of all a blogger is a person who own and writes weekly/daily in a blog. A blog is your own public, totally free (for everyone), site or web. Blogs were almost unknown until the 1990s. Then these started to become popular and sustituted the most common and best way of transmiting an opinion until then, forums. Blogging became really popular, not only because it was easy and you could make many thing out of it, but because it was totally FREE! To sum up people say blogs are websites or webpages that provided links and comments to other pages. A blog is a mixture of two words: log and web. Both form the word blog. To summarize a blog is a personal (or professional) journal in which you write frecuently.

Summer Vacaciones

I have done plenty of thing during my summer. I have traveled throw the majority of western Europe, done plenty of sport, and discovered knew thing and people.

Two today after school finished y was departed to Menorca where I had a peaceful and warm week. The eight days afterward I was on my way to the French Alpes in my trainer's van. I trained bettered myself and had a real good but exhausting week and a half.

Then I traveled back to Bilbao for two days and afterwards started the long journey to Disneyland Paris in my completely full car. It was a long tiring voyage in which you couldn't sleep because of the tiny space you were in. Next I went to Geneva, Switzerland, where I learned some french and live an ordinary person's daily life. We came back and directly went to Menorca where my father and I did some scuba diving.
And this is my ordinary and relaxed holidays.